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Art Cash Prize Competitions
Pretty much everyone likes winning some extra cash. If you're interested in the recognition, exposure, and general glory of showing the world your art skills -and maybe winning some cash prizes along the way too - then this page on art cash prize competitions is worth book-marking or sharing. Check back regularly for new competition news.

Meijer Gardens Art Cash Competition
Noted 29th October 2013 - Runs to November 2nd 2013
The Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids,Michigan is best known for its collection of sculpture by well known sculptors Henry Moore, Richard Serra and Dale Chihuly. It was named in 2012 as one of the 100 most visited art museums in the world.
This is your chance to enter Meijer's 12th annual Loeschner Art Competition. This competition was set up to give artists the chance to create new acclaimed work that's been inspired by the gardens themselves.
The competition is open to artists from anywhere in the world. The contest organisers recommend that the art work is completed at the gardens, but this is not essential.
Competition entries can be submitted as digital prints and images along with a dedicated entry form.
Meijer Gardens will review submitted images and - if selected - the entrant will need to deliver the original artwork by November 12th. The winner will be chosen by a panel of experts which will include representatives of Meijer Gardens' professional staff and its trustees by Jan 7th, 2014.
The winner will receive a $3000 cash prize.
More details are available here.
The video below on art competitions is published by - you can take part in any of their fine art competitions to win cash prizes, and/or get your art work published and noticed.